Red Quinoa and Black Bean Veggie Burgers ~ a great veggie burger is a thing of beauty, and one of the hardest recipes to nail down. This one is hearty and full of flavor ~ you won’t miss the meat one bit!

As we head into grilling season my thoughts always drift toward the possibilities for the next recipe… It’s not that I don’t eat meat, I do, but a good veggie burger is a pleasure unto itself, you don’t have to be vegetarian to crave one. It’s tricky, though, because one of the things working against them is that we all have such naturally high expectations of a burger. When we bite into a one we expect it to be ‘meaty’, juicy, and flavorful…not too mushy, not at all bland. That’s a tall order when you consider you’re dealing with grains, veggies, and beans.
Black beans and red quinoa form the base of these burgers. You can substitute regular quinoa if you like, but the earthier red version is pretty and is particularly good. For flavor I relied on dried shitake mushrooms, jalapeno, a good dose of Worcestershire sauce, and onion salt. Red onion and bell pepper lend a little fresh crunch.
Anyone who loves veggie burgers knows that half the pleasure of eating one is in the ‘accessories’. Choose good fresh whole grain buns, crisp lettuce and the best tomatoes you can find. I swear by thinly sliced red onion, and the chipotle mayo is a must.
There are so many possibilities when it comes to veggie burgers, it can be a lifelong quest. I chose to make these on the plump side for the photos, but actually I prefer them thinner. Just use your spatula to flatten them out as they cook. Start with a high heat to sear the outside, and then turn it down so they get nice and hot throughout. The patties can be wrapped and frozen, too.
Red Quinoa and Black Bean Veggie Burgers
- 1/2 oz package dried shitake mushrooms, or any variety you like
- 1/2 red onion, peeled
- 1 jalapeno pepper
- 1/2 yellow bell pepper, any color you like
- 1 cup cooked black beans, canned is fine rinsed and well drained
- 1/2 cup bread or cracker crumbs
- 1 large egg
- 1 1/2 cups cooked red quinoa (regular quinoa is fine, too
- 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp onion salt
- 1/2 tsp freshly cracked black pepper
- olive oil for frying
chipotle mayo
- 1/2 cup mayonnaise
- 1 small can chipotle chilies in adobo sauce, you won’t need the whole can
for serving
- whole grain buns
- thinly sliced red onion
- sliced heirloom tomato
- lettuce
- Reconstitute the mushrooms according to the package directions. Drain them and squeeze out excess moisture with a paper towel.
- Give the onion and bell pepper a rough chop and put them in the bowl of a food processor. Cut the stem off the jalapeno, and slice it, seeds and all. Add it to the processor along with the mushrooms. Pulse the machine about 12 times.
- Add the beans and pulse 8 more times. Scrape down the sides of the machine, and pulse another 8 times.
- Add in the crumbs, the egg, the quinoa, the Worcestershire sauce, salts, and pepper. Pulse about 12 times until everything is combined but still has texture.
- Use a 1/2 cup measure to scoop out the mixture and form into burgers. Separate the burgers with waxed paper, and cover with plastic wrap. Put in the refrigerator to chill until needed.
- To cook the burgers, coat the bottom of a pan with olive oil and heat until hot. Fry the burgers for about 7-10 minutes per side, on a medium heat. Flatten the burgers with your spatula if they are on the thick side.
- Make the chipotle mayo by mixing the mayonnaise with the sauce from the chiles, to taste.
- Serve up your burgers with all the traditional fixings.
Hello Sue, I found you through dear Robyn at Simply Fresh Dinners. I asked her if she had a good veggie burger and she sent me your quinoa and black bean veggie burger. Oh my…was it ever delicious!
So happy to have found you!
Have a beautiful day~~ Debbie
So glad to meet you Debbie — I’m fanatical about my veggie burgers, and I have a new one coming up in the next week or two!
Yummy, this sounds so good. Thanks for sharing this great recipe.
Wow. I am impressed with how perfectly shaped those patties are! When I make non-beef patties, they always tend to fall apart in the pan. These are gorgeous and look delicious.
oooh yes!… always looking for a decent veggie burger for The Viking… this looks so wonderfully rich and textured… thanks for the recipe x
I will have to admit that most of the veggie burgers I have had weren’t exactly memorable. Past comments like okay and fine come to mind. However, this may the show stopper that changes my mind. Frankly I am with the crowd who likes the idea of a change of pace. Actually I would like to be a vegetarian from the animal point of view, but I love meat too much to give it up. I try to have the mind set, if it came in a cellophane package it’s never been out standing in a field. Yes, I know it’s a bit sideways. Lol
I adore a good vege burger for all the same reasons you do. They are just a great change from a beefy burger. This looks wonderful and even though I just finished dinner – I am drooling. Love that slice of tomato – I am ready for our garden to get going! Lovely – yummy and healthy too!
I think I’d be perfectly happy spending the summer photographing heirloom tomatoes…now there’s a dream job!
I actually don’t think I’ve ever had a veggie burger! What on earth! I know I would enjoy this – I’ve been buying sushi made with brown rice and quinoa lately. I am so glad there are so many more healthy and delicious options out there now.
Maybe veggie burgers are an acquired taste, I don’t know. I learned to love them in college, and I do think whatever you discover in college becomes a favorite for life. Your veggie sushi sounds interesting!
I love a good veggie burger, my carnivore eating husband would probably love these as well because of the black beans. I agree a good bun and condiments is all part of the “burger”. beautiful pictures Sue!
Thanks Catherine…I resisted the urge to get on the soapbox about veggie burgers, but I really believe in them, not only because I love how they taste, but they are so much better for us and for the planet. I wish the fast food chains would get on board!
Sounds healthy and very tasty. Blessings, Catherine