10 Foods I’ve Stopped Buying ~ and I’d love to know, what’s on your no-buy list?
#1 ice cream
In fact I don’t even go down the frozen dessert aisle anymore, and when I have to, I literally avert my eyes (if I catch sight of those flavors, I’m a goner.) If it’s not in my freezer I’m not tempted to eat it, and if I’m really craving it I can make a pretty darned good homemade ice cream when the occasion calls for it.
#2 cold cuts
I grew up on cold cuts from the corner deli and I appreciate all they have to offer…roast turkey with coleslaw and Russian dressing on rye?…Heaven! Extra thin sliced Genoa salami? So good. But I’ve learned that they’re ticking time bombs, and I don’t want them in my body.
#3 bean sprouts
This one kills me. I adore sprouts, I’ve been using them since I started out on my own after college, a cheddar and sprout omelette was one of the first things I learned to make for myself. Sprouts are the perfect finishing touch in so many dishes, and I love to pile them on sandwiches, but it turns out they’re especially susceptible to bacteria that causes food poisoning. Even sprouting your own doesn’t solve the problem entirely, so sad.
#4 bagged greens
Even when I annoy the produce managers and methodically rifle through the whole row to find the most recent sell-by date, it doesn’t always guarantee me a fresh bag. It finally dawned on me that using a sturdy salad spinner isn’t that difficult, and the greens are so fresh and crisp.
#5 dairy milk
I’ve made the switch to plant based milks and I’m not turning back. Unless I need it for a recipe I don’t need to buy the ubiquitous quart of milk anymore. I make my own nut and oat milks as I need them, the Vitamix makes it so quick and easy, and I don’t miss that sour milk smell one bit.
#6 baby carrots
They’re yucky, period. They get slimy, and they are’t even real babies, they’re shaved down big carrots! Instead I cut up ‘grown up’ veggies and stash them in the fridge for snacking…much better.
#7 Nutella
I can’t even. I love it too much. And it’s not good for me. Unless I need it for a blog recipe ๐
#8 English muffins
For so long English muffins were my go to breakfast, but after a while I realized I was burning right through them and almost always ravenous before lunch. The latest breaking health news this month calls out the benefits of whole grains and high fiber for longevity and disease prevention ~ I’m going to go back to my favorite rustic whole grain breads, oatmeal, and bran muffins.
#9 fruit juice
I stopped buying juice long ago but clearly lots of others still do because there is so much real estate devoted to it at the supermarket. No added sugar doesn’t mean much since it’s naturally loaded with the stuff, not to mention plenty of calories, too. I’m better off grabbing a tangerine.
#10 salad dressing
Commercial salad dressing just doesn’t earn its spot in my (very small) refrigerator. Why would I buy it when I can get such creative results with my own collection of oils and vinegars?
I’m with you on the sprouts. Love them, scared to eat them. Egg salad sandwich with sprouts? To die for. Maybe literally.
lol I hear ya!
I would LOVE to eliminate cold cuts from my diet b/c I eat a LOT of them. It’s hard for me to figure out what to eat so much of the time and cold cuts are a great go to breakfast or lunch. I cant eat eggs anymore (I’ve ODd on them) except hard boiled and fried) and I cannot always stomach eating a salad. I’m type 2 diabetes so I need lots of protein. And I am getting tired of chicken breasts… ??? What are your 3 favorite go to lunches ? Help!
My list of “will not buy” include white sugar, canola oil, vegetable oil’s, white or whole wheat flours, sodas, and processed foods. I shop the outside perimeter of the store. I either grow or buy organic veggies and fruits. I have farmer friends and know where my meat and eggs come from and how they’re raised. I do change recipes to accommodate this. Our health is too important. Thank goodness I live in the country…
I agree with so much of this, shopping the perimeter is key, I park my cart along the perimeter and make dashes into the aisles if I have to ๐ And I am growing more and more aware of buying ethical animal products, that’s so important.
I’ve done the same!!! The big one has been the flavored coffee creamers in the fridge, I love them but so bad for you! I’ve had to stop all sugars, grains, beans and rice. Now, I’m Puerto Rican and living without tostones (fried plantains of grooviness) has been a big change, LOL!
Ditto for me, but I’m a lousy gardener, have hard time here in the southwest.
I avoid the frozen food aisle because of the same reason as you. I loathe baby carrots and only use them in an emergency and same goes for bagged lettuce. I don’t understand the desire for that one when I have a perfectly good spinner. I LOVE cow’s milk so keeping it in my fridge. Eating old fashioned oats for breakfast in the cold months has been very satisfying and filling and I enjoy a drizzle of molasses over it. I won’t buy cold cuts with nitrates but haven’t switched to NO cold cuts.
Do you have any suggestions for tasty replacements for the usual deli meat sandwiches which are similarly quick, easy, and kid-friendly?
Well, I’m not sure it’s 100% better, but we make quick sandwiches from rotisserie chicken. I just slice it thin. Like some others have mentioned, there are nitrate free deli meats, too. And if your kids are into it, tuna, egg, chicken salad, etc.
Ditto for me, but I’m a lousy gardener, have hard time here in the southwest.