Doughnut Bundt Cakes are a specialty of the house here at the Great Island kitchen, I’ve got one of these irresistible breakfast cakes to fit every doughnut fantasy…
If you’re a doughnut lover you might have had ‘the dream‘ ~ the one where you stumble upon a ginormous cake-sized doughnut, and no one else seems to be around, and you get to indulge all by yourself…
…ok, or is that just me?
Chocolate Sour Cream Doughnut Bundt Cake
This one is the classic glossy chocolate doughnut that screams to you from the glass counter, the one you know you shouldn’t want…but oh, you want it bad.
Apple Cider Doughnut Bundt Cake
Of course we make this every fall, but then somehow we can’t get it out of our minds and make it again and again. If we can’t source cider we use apple juice.
Glazed Old Fashioned Buttermilk Doughnut Bundt Cake
When we were kids, if a box of glazed old fashioned doughnuts ever got opened without being torn to smithereens, it was a miracle.
Jelly Doughnut Bundt Cake
The sugary crust, the pillowy interior and that pocket of sweet tart jam…this cake’s got it all and more.
Pumpkin Doughnut Bundt Cake
I get so frustrated when they only sell pumpkin doughnuts ‘in season’. This is my answer.
Love ALL your wonderful recipes. But one small request. Can you remove pictures and unnecessary writing so that the recipe can print out on one page? It would help save lots of print paper for my recipe collection.
You can choose to print without the pictures, Cindy, just uncheck the ‘images’ box. You can also omit the nutrition info if you like.
The buttermilk doughnut is magical. It disappeared almost immediately! The taste was just what you would expect from an old fashioned doughnut! This is an excellent, easy recipe.
Looks so good to eat ?